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Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's All About Grateful.^_^.

First of all,
I got a great news---
I got 8 As in my PMR result.
Even my rotten english..
So Amazing,Bravo,Brava,Majestic....
It's a Miracle.
Thanks for my best friend---
Lalla Ling
for Vanessa Hudgens' album and the Christmas card(so sweet^_^)
Then,is my parents
They gave all their patient to me...
I swear,I will be the good girl in your heart/mind
Love you,Dad and Mum
Next,is my brother--Nicky Lee
Who sent me to school
Even though he's nagging at me like our grandfather...
Finally,is my pen-pal---
Lee Run Sen.
You didn't realised your letter is always full of energetic for me
So sweet and anyone needs it in their life...
Thanks a lot for you,my pen-pal
Even sometimes feel like so naive
you show your true colours to me....
It's so good to me.Truly....
I'm really grateful for all the people
Who appear in my life!!!

Thanks A Lot!!!

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